Monday, August 17, 2009
The fastest man on the planet did it again, new world record in 9.58!!!! ESPN analyst Larry Rawson said that during the race Usain Bolt reached a top speed at almost 30 miles an hour. Just to give you an idea of how amazing this race was, Tyson Gay ran a great race and came in second with 9.71 which is a USA record but there's not much you can do when Usain starts striding in the second half of the race. Asafa Powell got the bronze with a 9.84... simply amazing!!
1 U. BOLT (JAM) 9"58
2 T. GAY (USA) 9"71
3 A. POWELL (JAM) 9"84
4 D. BAILEY (ANT) 9"93
5 R. THOMPSON (TRI) 9"93
6 D. CHAMBERS (GBR) 10"00
7 M. BURNS (TRI) 10"00
8 D. PATTON (USA) 10"34
watch race here
ESPN reporter speaks about impressive run: