Wednesday, December 31, 2008


R.I.P. 2008, What a crazy year this was! Gas prizes skyrocketed and the economy crashed. China hosted the Summer Olympics. Phelps won seven gold medals, Bolt broke some records and a 9 year old girl lip-synced at the opening ceremonies. Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United Kicked ass. Spain had the best European national soccer team and KG & PP beat Kobe in the NBA finals. Tyree's incredible catch to help his Giants win the Super Bowl, Blaxico shot himself in the knee (wtf?) Mumbai was held hostage and Somolian Pirates hijacked everything in sight. We had scientists try to recreate the big bang and a swiss astronomer found new planets out in the open sky. Suicide bombers in Irak, civil wars in Congo and Sri Lanka, rebelling monks in Tibet. The New York governor got caught with a high priced call girl. OJ got caught stealing his own stuff and R Kelly got acquitted. We had a President get a pair of shoes thrown at him. We saw an eyewinking hockey mom go on a 150’000 $ shopping spree, saw Hilary mess up and McCain got even older. We had a man who used to be a woman get pregnant. We had an insane Austrian father keep his daughter for 24 years in some kind of basement, raping her and fathering seven children!!. We also lost Isaac Hayes, Bernie Mack and Heath Ledger. We saw Lil Wayne turn into a rock star and heard Kanye sing. We saw jeans get tighter, heard everyone use Autotune and yes… we saw Obama win !!

I wish you all a very happy and safe 2009 filled with peace and love

list of world events in 2008

2008 various Top Tens Time Magazine