I still don't understand how McCain isn't getting called out for his Soccer mom but that's just me, anyways...
The whole point of the debate is to see if each of these candidates is prepared to be one heartbeat from the presidency. Look at everything through that lens, from policy prescriptions to body language.
One change in the format from the presidential debate last week is that the candidates will have shorter time periods in which to speak. They will have 90 seconds each in which to answer questions from the moderator, Gwen Ifill, who will then guide a two-minute discussion on each topic. The 90 minutes is seen as a benefit to Ms. Palin, who tends to give short answers anyway, and the two minutes gives Mr. Biden room to run.
Polls show that an increasing number of people think she is not qualified to be vice president. Will she try to counteract that impression by just keeping her head down, or will she try something dramatic? Will she go after Mr. Biden, or wait to see if he goes after her first?
full n y times article and video